1. Time Out First Class Weekend Chill & Grill presented by Guinness
    Photograph: Victoria Chan
  2. Time Out First Class Weekend Chill & Grill presented by Guinness
    Photograph: Victoria ChanFree-flow grilled skewered tenderloin with Guinness and peppercorn sauce, chorizo with chimichurri sauce, and skewered shrimp with Guinness and chipotle sauce
  3. Time Out First Class Weekend Chill & Grill presented by Guinness
    Photograph: Victoria Chan
  4. Time Out First Class Weekend Chill & Grill presented by Guinness
    Photograph: Victoria ChanFree-flow Guinness on draught.
  5. Time Out First Class Weekend Chill & Grill presented by Guinness
    Antipasti and hot dishes buffet Antipasti and hot dishes buffet
  6. Time Out First Class Weekend Chill & Grill presented by Guinness
    Time Out Hong Kong
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Time Out First Class 週末狂想 Grill

請你食 free-flow 燒烤早午餐(價值$900/兩位)


Time Out 說

Time Out 香港與健力士啤酒將於11月27日(星期六)攜手呈獻首個「Time Out First Class」體驗,於 Boticario 舉辦獨一無二的 free-flow 燒烤早午餐。即瀏覽 Time Out 香港 FB 專頁,回答一條簡單問題﹐即有機會獲得雙人「Time Out First Class 週末狂想 Grill」體驗(價值$900/兩位),名額10個。

活動將會帶大家回到布宜諾斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)的全盛時期品嚐豐盛的美食佳餚,健力士的麥芽甜味與燒烤美食的焦香絕對是天作之合;而黑啤獨特的香濃口味更是紅肉和精緻海鮮的絕佳搭配。除了前菜和熱葷自助吧,Boticario 還會即席烹調烤牛柳串配健力士啤酒胡椒汁、烤西班牙肉腸配阿根廷香辣青醬,以及烤大蝦串配墨西哥辣椒醬等;當中不可錯過加入了健力士啤酒調製的西班牙燉辣肉醬及為班戟汁醬。記得留肚食甜品,多款精美甜品及水果為早午餐盛宴作結。

Boticario 的酒吧團隊更會即場為客人調製兩款健力士雞尾酒,選擇包括 Black Magic (香蕉利口酒、核桃苦艾酒、健力士啤酒)和 Island Stout(椰子冧酒、健力士啤酒、椰子芋頭啤酒泡),當然不少得源源不絕的健力士生啤酒,讓活動氣氛更為高漲。

最後,每位客人均可獲贈 Time Out First Class 禮品包一份,當中包括一隻可供現場定制的激光雕刻啤酒杯,讓你返回家中亦能繼續享用健力士啤酒,延續歡樂氣氛。當日還有活動代表在場教授如何倒出完美的生啤酒,絕對不能錯過。

